Key concepts#

Dishka is a DI-framework and it is designed to create complex objects following dependency injection principle. Let’s start with some terms.


Dependency is what you need for some part of your code to work. If you database gateway needs database connection to execute SQL queries, then the connection is a dependency for a gateway. If your business logic class requires database gateway or some api client then api client and database gateway are dependencies for a business logic. Here the Client is a dependency, while Service is a dependant.

class Service:
    def __init__(self, client: Client):
        self.client = client

So, dependency is just object required for some other object. Dependencies can depend on other objects, which are their dependencies.

To follow dependency injection rule, dependent object should receive their dependencies and not request themselves. The same classes can be instantiated with different values of their dependencies. At least in tests.


Scope is a lifespan of a dependency. Some dependencies can live while you application is running, others are created and destroyed on each request. In more rare cases you need more short-lived objects. You set a scope for your dependency when you configure how to create it.

Standard scopes are (excluding skipped):


You decide when to enter and exit them, but it is done one by one. If you entered APP scope then the next step deeper will enter REQUEST scope.


APP scope can be used for lazy initialisation of singletons, while REQUEST scope is good for processing events like HTTP-requests or messenger updates. It is unlikely that you will need other scopes

In dishka dependencies are lazy - they are created when you first request them. If the same dependency is requested multiple time within one scope then the same instance is returned (you can disable it for each dependency separately). A created dependency is kept until you exit the scope. And in that moment it is not just dropped away, but corresponding finalization steps are done. You can enter same scope multiple times concurrently so to have multiple instances of objects you can work simultaneously.

Each object can depend on other objects from the same or previous scopes. So, if you have Config with scope of APP and Connection with scope of REQUEST you cannot have an APP-scoped object which requires a connection, but you can have REQUEST-scoped object which requires a Connection or a Config (or even both).

If you are developing web application, you would enter APP scope on startup, and you would REQUEST scope in each HTTP-request.

You can provide your own Scopes class if you are not satisfied with standard flow.

Read more about custom and hidden scopes


Container is an object you use to get your dependency.

You just call container.get(SomeType) and it finds a way to get you an instance of that type. It does not create things itself, but manages their lifecycle and caches. It delegates objects creation to providers which are passed during creation.

Each container is assigned to a certain scope. To enter the nested scope you call it and use as a context manager. According to scopes order container can be used to get dependencies from its and previous scopes.

app_container = make_container(provider1, provider2)  # enter APP scope

config = app_container.get(Config)  # APP-scoped object

with container() as request_container:  # enter REQUEST scope
    connection = request_container.get(Connection)  # REQUEST-scoped object
    config = request_container.get(Config)  # APP-scoped object

Async container is working in the same manner, but you should use async context manager and await the result of get

Some containers are concurrently safe, others are not: it is configured when you call a context manager. For web applications it is good to have APP-scoped container thread/task-safe, but REQUEST-scoped containers do not it, and it is default behavior.

Read more about container API


Provider is an object which members are used to construct dependencies. It is a normal object, but some attributes must be marked with special decorators so they will be used by a container. To create your own provider you inherit from Provider class and instantiate it when creating a container:

class MyProvider(Provider):

container = make_container(MyProvider())

There are 3 special functions:

  • @provide is used to declare a factory providing a dependency. It can be used with some class or as a method decorator. Read more

  • alias is used to allow retrieving of the same object by different type hints. Read more

  • from_context is used to mark a dependency as context data, which will be set manually when entering a scope. Read more

  • @decorate is used to modify or wrap an object which is already configured in another Provider. Read more


Component - is an isolated group of providers within the same container identified by a string. When dependency is requested it is searched only within the same component as its dependant, unless it is declared explicitly.

This allows you to have multiple parts of application build separately without need to think if the use same types.

class MainProvider(Provider):

    def foo(self, a: Annotated[int, FromComponent("X")]) -> float:
        return a/10

    def bar(self, a: int) -> complex:
        return a + 0j

class AdditionalProvider(Provider):
    component = "X"

    def foo(self) -> int:
        return 1

container = make_container(MainProvider(), AdditionalProvider())
container.get(float)  # returns 0.1
container.get(complex)  # raises NoFactoryError

Read more about components management