Using with frameworks#

There are some integrations in library you are not limited to use them.

Built-in frameworks integrations:

  • aiohttp

  • Flask

  • Fastapi

  • Litestar

  • Starlette

  • Aiogram

  • pyTelegramBotAPI

  • Arq

  • FastStream

  • TaskIq

  • Sanic

Common approach#

For several frameworks library contains helper functions so you don’t need to control scopes yourself, but just annotate handler/view functions and change application startup code

To use framework integration you mainly need to do 3 things:

  • call setup_dishka on your container and framework entity

  • add FromDishka[YourClass] on you framework handlers (or view-functions)

  • decorate your handlers with @inject before registering them in framework. Some integrations do not required it, see Auto injection


FromDishka[T] is basically a synonym for Annotated[T, FromComponent()] and is used to get an object from default component. To use other component you can use the same syntax with annotated Annotated[T, FromComponent("X")].

For more details on components see Components and providers isolation

For FastAPI it will look like:

from dishka.integrations.fastapi import FromDishka, inject, setup_dishka

async def index(interactor: FromDishka[Interactor]) -> str:
    result = interactor()
    return result

app = FastAPI()
container = make_async_container(provider)
setup_dishka(container, app)

For such integrations library enters scope for each generated event. So if you have standard scope, than handler dependencies will be retrieved as for Scope.REQUEST.

Additionally, you may need to call container.close() in the end of your application lifecycle if you want to finalize APP-scoped dependencies

Auto injection#

With some frameworks we provide an option to inject dependencies in handlers without decorating them with @inject.

  • For aiogram you need to provide auto_inject=True when calling setup_dishka. E.g:

from dishka.integrations.aiogram import FromDishka, setup_dishka

async def start(
    message: Message,
    user: FromDishka[User],
    await message.answer(f"Hello, {1}, {user.full_name}!")

setup_dishka(container=container, router=dp, auto_inject=True)
  • For Flask you need to provide auto_inject=True when calling setup_dishka. It is important here to call it after registering all views and blueprints. E.g:

from dishka.integrations.flask import FromDishka, setup_dishka

def index(
        interactor: FromDishka[Interactor],
) -> str:
    result = interactor()
    return result

setup_dishka(container=container, app=app, auto_inject=True)
  • For FastAPI you need to provide route_class=DishkaRoute when creating APIRouter. E.g.:

from dishka.integrations.fastapi import FromDishka, DishkaRoute, setup_dishka

router = APIRouter(route_class=DishkaRoute)

async def index(
        interactor: FromDishka[Interactor],
) -> str:
    result = interactor()
    return result

setup_dishka(container, app)
  • For FasStream (0.5.0 version and higher) you need to provide auto_inject=True when calling setup_dishka. It is important here to call it before registering any subscribers or router include:

from faststream import FastStream
from faststream.nats import NatsBroker, NatsMessage
from dishka import make_async_container
from dishka.integrations.faststream import FastStreamProvider, FromDishka, setup_dishka

broker = NatsBroker()
app = FastStream(broker)
setup_dishka(make_async_container(..., FastStreamProvider), app, auto_inject=True)

def index(
        message: FromDishka[NatsMessage],
) -> str:
    await message.ack()
    return message.body
  • For Sanic you need to provide auto_inject=True when calling setup_dishka. It is important here to call it after registering all views and blueprints. E.g:

from sanic import Sanic, Request, HTTPResponse
from dishka.integrations.sanic import FromDishka, setup_dishka

app = Sanic(__name__)

async def index(
    request: Request,
    interactor: FromDishka[Interactor],
) -> HTTPResponse:
    return HTTPResponse(interactor())

setup_dishka(container=container, app=app, auto_inject=True)

Context data#

As REQUEST scope is entered automatically you cannot pass context data directly, but integrations do it for you:

These objects are passed to context:

  • aiohttp - aiohttp.web_request.Request

  • Flask - flask.Request

  • Fastapi - fastapi.Request

  • Litestar - litestar.Request

  • Starlette - starlette.requests.Request

  • Aiogram - aiogram.types.TelegramObject

  • pyTelegramBotAPI - actual type of event (like Message) is used.

  • Arq - no objects

  • FastStream - or faststream.[broker].[Broker]Message, faststream.utils.ContextRepo

  • TaskIq - no objects

  • Sanic - sanic.request.Request

To use such objects you need to declare them in your provider using from_context and then they will be available as factories params.

Adding integrations#

Though there are some integrations in library you are not limited to use them.

The main points are:

  1. Find a way to pass a global container instance. Often it is attached to application instance or passed by a middleware.

  2. Find a place to enter request scope and how to pass it to a handler. Usually, it is entered in a middleware and container is stored in some kind of request context.

  3. Configure a decorator. The main option here is to provide a way for retrieving container. Often, need to modify handler signature adding additional parameters. It is also available.

  4. Check if you can apply decorator automatically.

While writing middlewares and working with scopes is done by your custom code, we have a helper for creating @inject decorators - a wrap_injection function.

  • container_getter is a function with two params (args, kwargs) which is called to get a container used to retrieve dependencies within scope.

  • additional_params is a list of inspect.Parameter which should be added to handler signature.

For more details, check existing integrations.