
provide function is used to declare a factory providing a dependency. It can be used with some class or as a method decorator (either sync or async). It supports finalization of dependency if you make it a generator.

Provider object has also a .provide method with the same logic.

If it is used with class, it analyzes its __init__ typehints to detect its dependencies. If it is used with method, it checks its parameters typehints and a result type. Last one describes what this method is used to create.

scope argument is required to define the lifetime of the created object. By default the result is cached within scope. You can disable it providing cache=False argument.

  • For simple case add method and mark it with @provide decorator.

from dishka import provide, Provider, Scope

class MyProvider(Provider):
    def get_a(self) -> A:
        return A()
  • Want some finalization when exiting the scope? Make that method generator:

from dishka import provide, Provider, Scope

class MyProvider(Provider):
    def get_a(self) -> Iterable[A]:
        a = A()
        yield a

Also, if an error occurs during process handling (inside the with block), it will be sent to the generator:

class MyProvider(Provider):
    def get_a(self) -> Iterable[A]:
        a = A()
        exc = yield a
        # exc will be None if an exception has not occurred
        if exc:
            print("Some exception while process handling: ", exc)
  • Do not have any specific logic and just want to create class using its __init__? Then add a provider attribute using provide as function passing that class.

from dishka import provide, Provider, Scope

class MyProvider(Provider):
    a = provide(A, scope=Scope.REQUEST)
  • Want to create a child class instance when parent is requested? Add a source attribute to provide function with a parent class while passing child as a first parameter

from dishka import provide, Provider, Scope

class MyProvider(Provider):
    a = provide(source=AChild, scope=Scope.REQUEST, provides=A)
  • Want to go async? Make provide methods asynchronous. Create async container. Use async with and await get calls:

from dishka import provide, Provider, Scope

class MyProvider(Provider):
   async def get_a(self) -> A:
      return A()

container = make_async_container(MyProvider())
a = await container.get(A)
  • Tired of providing scope= for each dependency? Set it inside your Provider class and all factories with no scope will use it.

from dishka import provide, Provider, Scope

class MyProvider(Provider):

   @provide  # uses provider scope
   async def get_a(self) -> A:
      return A()

   @provide(scope=Scope.REQUEST)  # has own scope
   async def get_b(self) -> B:
      return B()
  • Having multiple interfaces which can be created as a same class? Use AnyOf as a result hint:

from dishka import AnyOf, provide, Provider, Scope

class MyProvider(Provider):

    def p(self) -> AnyOf[A, AProtocol]:
        return A()

It works similar to alias.