
Provider is an object which members are used to construct dependencies. Provider contains different factories and other entities and then is used to create a Container. You can have multiple providers in one application and combine them in different ways to make it more modular.

To configure provider you can either inherit and use decorators on you methods or just create an instance and use its methods.

For example, imagine you have two classes: connection which is retrieved from external library and a gateway which requires such a connection.

class Connection:

class Gateway:
    def __init__(self, conn: Connection):

You can configure Provider with code like this:

from dishka import make_container, Provider, Scope

def get_connection() -> Iterable[Connection]:
    conn = connect(uri)
    yield conn

provider = Provider(scope=Scope.APP)

container = make_container(provider)

Or using inheritance:

from dishka import make_container, Provider, provide, Scope

class MyProvider(Provider):
    def get_connection(self) -> Iterable[Connection]:
        conn = connect(uri)
        yield conn

    gateway = provide(Gateway)

container = make_container(MyProvider(scope=Scope.APP))

Your class-based provider can have __init__ method and methods access self as usual. It can be useful for passing configuration:

class MyProvider(Provider):
    def __init__(self, uri: str, scope: Scope):
        super().__init__(scope=scope)  # do not forget `super`
        self.uri = uri

    def get_connection(self) -> Iterable[Connection]:
        conn = connect(self.uri)  # use passed configuration
        yield conn

    gateway = provide(Gateway)

provider = MyProvider(uri=os.getenv("DB_URI"), scope=Scope.APP)
container = make_container(provider)

Dependencies have scope and there are three places to set it (according to their priority):

  • When registering single factory passing to provide method

class MyProvider(Provider):
    gateway = provide(Gateway, scope=Scope.APP)
  • When instantiating provider:

provider = Provider(scope=Scope.APP)
  • Inside class:

class MyProvider(Provider):

Though it is a normal object, not all attributes are analyzed by Container, but only those which are marked with special functions: