
dishka is an opensource project and we are welcome the new developers to join us.

Getting started#

  1. Clone project:

git clone
cd dishka
  1. Create and activate virtual environment:

python3 -m venv .venv
source .venv/bin/activate
  1. Install development tools and project itself:

pip install -r requirements_dev.txt
pip install -e .

Running linters#

Currently we use ruff to check code. To run it do

ruff check

We do not use ruff formatter for all code, so ensure that you formatted only your part of code proposing new changes. We have a lot of checks enabled and some of them can be false positive. Double check your code before suppressing any linter warning.

Running tests#

Project contains several types of tests: * unit tests of library itself * integration with other libraries * tests of example app

All of them can be run using tox:

tox run

All integration tests are using specific versions of libraries by default. You can run them with latest version specifying it explicitly. E.g.:

tox run -e fastapi-latest

All requirement files for tests are located in /requirements dir

Building documentation#

Documentation is created using sphinx. First of all you might need make installed on your system. Then install documentation requirements:

pip install -r requirements_doc.txt

Compile docs:

make html

Open file docs-build/html/index.html in your browser

Submitting changes#

We welcome new ideas and PRs but may request additional discussion if it affects internal structure or API. When submitting new pull request, ensure that you have run all tests and linters.